Fell End Place Names

From THE PLACE NAMES OF WESTMORLAND English Place Names Society (1967)

Adamthwat 1585, 1598 PR, -thwait(e) 1641, 1684 ib, 1777 M, the personal name Adam ME - thveit ON 'woodland clearing'
ADAMTHWAITE BANK: 1859 OS, probably named from the family of Edward or William Adamthwaite 1672 NWm 221 (a local surname from preceding)
ASH POT: 1859 OS, cf. Elm Pot
BACKSIDE: Back(e)side 1673, 1678 PR, 1777 WillQ, baec OE - side OE 'hillside'
BLACK MOSS: 1859 OS, blaec - mos OE 'bog'
BRIDGE: 1642, 1704 PR, Brigg 1627 ib, brycg OE, from Rawthey Bridge
CLOUDS: 1674, 1702 PR, clud OE 'mass of rock'
CLOUDS GILL: 1859 OS, preceding - gil OWScand 'ravine'
COLD KELD: 1735 PR, Cold Kale 1770 M, cald - kelda ON 'spring'
DOVENGILL: Devingill, (-en-) 1578-97 PR (freq), Dov-, Douengill 1628, 1679 ib, 1710 NWm 224, Douingill 1696, 1704 PR. The first el, is most probably the OIr personal name Duban (borrowed in ON as Dufan) as in Dovenby (Cumberland)
ELLER HILL: 1673, 1686 PR, 1823 M, Alder Hill 1757 PR, elri ON 'alder' - hyll OE
ELM POT: Ome pot 1699 PR, Al(l)m(e)pot(t) 1702-1737 ib. (freq), Elmpot 1726, 1747 ib, 1766 WillQ, Ompot 1770 M, almr ON replaced by OE 'elm' - potte ME 'pit', cf also Hazel Pot
FELL END: 1669, 1690, 1739 PR, Felend 1686 ib, named from ye Fells 1651 ib, fjall ON 'mountain' - ende OE
FLINT HOLE and HOWE: 1861 OS, flint OE (or personal name) - haugr ON 'hill, mound'
FOGGY GILL: Fogga(y)-, Fogge(y)gill 1580, 1609, 1724, 1772 PR, an adj from ModE dialect 'fog' 'long grass left standing after the summer, rank, coarse grass' - gil
FORCEPOT SIKE: 1859 OS, fors ON 'waterfall', potte OE - sic 'stream, ditch'
GREEN RIGG: 1859 OS, grene - hrycg 'ridge'
HAG HOUSE: 1829 Dir, hogg ON 'clearing' or hage ModEDial 'plantation'
HARTER FELL: 1636 BdyR (M3), hjortr ON (genitive singular hjartar) 'hart' - fjall ON
KENSGRIFF: 1859 OS, obscure
MURTHWAITE: Murthwhayt 1571 PR, Murthwat 1580, 1583 ib, -thwait(e) 1628 ib et freq to 1823 M, Murthat(e) 1643, 1683 PR, Mortwhaite 1771 ib, mor OE 'moor' - thveit
NARTHWAITE: Nathwat 1584, 1597 PR, -that 1686 ib, -thwait 1711 WillQ, Nauthatt 1657 PR, Narthwait(e) 1766 WillQ, 1799 PR, 1823 M, na- ON 'nearby' - thveit (but possibly from an ON personal name Nate)
NEEDLE HOUSE: Nedl(e)howse, -hous 1595, 1597, 1624 PR, Needlous 1667 ib, Needless 1710 ib, probably the surname Needle (Reaney: Dictionary of English Surnames) - hus
NEW HOUSE: 1770 M, 1790 PR
RAWTHEY: Rautha 1224 BdyR, Roudha, Routha 1235, Rowthey 1777 M, Routh Hay 1841 Tithe Award, Rawthey 1861 OS, rauthr ON 'red' (from an exposure of Old Red Sandstone in its course) or ? an appellative for the trout, - a ON, 'river'
RAWTHEY BRIDGE: 1585, 1679 NWm 11, 217, Rothebrigg 1625 PR, Rowthey Bridge 1777 M. For its history NWm 217.
SALLY BECK: 1859 OS, salh OE 'willow', bekkr ON
SANDBED: 1622, 1655 PR, sand OE - bedd OE 'plant-bed'
SAND TARN: 1859 OS, sand - tjorn ON
SPRINTGILL: 1667, 1747 PR, Sprenttgill 1588 ib, *sprent ON 'spirting stream' - gil
STREETSIDE: 1677, 1709 PR, straet OE, usually denoting a Roman road
STUDFOLD: 1709 PR, 1725 WillQ, Stodfowld 1578, 1582 PR, -fold 1586 ib, stod-fald OE 'horse enclosure'
TARN: Tarn(e) 1587, 1593-1643 PR (freq), tjorn ON
ULDALE GILL: Ulnedale (for Ulue-) Henry II, Uluesdaile 1224 BdyR, Uldall 1585, 1648PR, ulfr ON 'wolf' - dalr. The same name occurs in Orton and Tebay.
WANDALE, WANDALE HILL: Wandell (bank) 1629, 1631 PR, -dall 1635-1660 ib (freq), -dale 1710 WillQ, -side 1823 M. Probably wann ON 'dark' but possibly van ON 'hunting place or track'
WRAYGREEN: -green(e) 1685, 1687 PR, vra ON 'nook of land' - grene OE
YARLSIDE: 1865 OS, jarl ON 'earl' - saeti ON 'seat, lofty place'

NB also WANEGARS: 1714, Waingarthes 1593, 1625, gar(e)s 1594, l642, waegn OE - garthr ON 'enclosure'

PR - Parish Register
M - maps (1576 Speed, 1607 Saxton, 1770 Jeffrey, 1777 Kitchin, 1823 Greenwood)
OS - Ordnance Survey
NWm - The later Records relating to North Westmorland, ed. J.F. Curwen, CWRec S, 1932
WillQ - A Bock of old Quaker Wills, ed. W.G. Collingwood, CW xxix, 1-38
BdyR - Boundary rolls (MS)

This page was last modified on 4 May 2004 by Hector Davie.
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